Terms & Conditions


Affiliate Partner means any private and/or legal person who, after electronically signing this agreement, allocates advertisement space on its publishing source or other media platform for Bison.Partners marketing materials.

Affiliate Platform means a software and a tool, which records and monitors the relevant Affiliate Partner advertising results. We use a 3rd party software from Mediacle Limited - MAP.

Administrative Fees refers to taxes, third-party commissions, and fees, financial transaction fees, chargebacks, operator costs, legal costs, additional licence fees.

Bonuses mean any so-called “free money”, “good-will bonuses”, “free spins”, “cashback” and/or similar that the referred Customers can utilise as payment for using our services.

Calendar Days means any day of the week, month, or year including bank holidays and weekends.

Commission means the financial compensation due to the Affiliate Partner based on the agreed commission types.

Commission Type means the type of financial plan agreed between the Parties for the results of the advertising services.

First Time Depositing Customer (FTD) means a New Customer who has made a first real money deposit and does own only one player account.

Gross Revenue means the gross value of the revenues generated by all customers referred by the Affiliate Partner across all activity options.

Net Revenue means the Gross Revenue less: taxes, duties, third party commissions/fees, financial transaction fees, bonuses, marketing taxes, VAT taxes, operational fees, any other player rewards, cash backs, and chargebacks.

Newly Registered Customer means any customer who registers through the given Affiliate Partner advertising materials.


  1. To become a member of our affiliate program you must accept and sign electronically these terms and conditions by ticking the respective box as a last action in the affiliate application procedure.
  2. Bison.Partners will, at its sole discretion, determine whether or not to accept an affiliate application and will send an official notification by email.
  3. The Affiliate Partner agrees to provide any documentation required by the Affiliate Program in order to verify the details and the authority of the Affiliate Partner. Such verification procedure can be started by the Affiliate Program at any time during the term of the affiliate agreement.
  4. It is the Affiliate Partner sole obligation to ensure that any information provided is exact, correct, valid and kept up to date.
  5. Opening an affiliate account without legal authority and/or transfering an affiliate account to another party is considered illegal and will result in termination of this agreement and confiscating all commissions unpaid.
  6. The Affiliate Accounts cannot be transferred between the Affiliate and other 3rd parties without written permission from Bison.Partners representatives.
  7. By becoming a fully accepted member of the Bison.Partners, the Affiliate Partner agrees to actively advertise, market and promote, with all time updated and correct information, the websites presented inside the Affiliate Platform.
  8. The Affiliate Partner will ensure that all marketing activities taken by will be in the Affiliate Program’s best interest and will in no way harm its reputation or employees.
  9. The Affiliate Partner guarantees the legal background of the development, operation and maintenance of the publishing sources and for all materials that appear on it.
  10. The publishing sources of the Affiliate Partner must be compliant with all applicable laws, including but not limited to the general data protection regulation and privacy regulations.
  11. The publishing sources should not contain any violent, political, sexual, defamatory, libellous, discriminatory or otherwise unsuitable or socially unsuitable content.
  12. The Affiliate Partners should not generate traffic by registering directly or indirectly using associates, family members or other third parties connected to its business or staff.
  13. The Affiliate Partner agrees that any customer referred, found to be a bonus abuser, politically exposed person, money launderer, associates of the Affiliate Partner, family members of the Affiliate Partner and its staff, or any other third parties connected to or fraudster or who assists in any form of fraud activity will not count as a valid customer and no commission shall be payable for them.
  14. If 50% or more of an Affiliate Partner referred customers will produce a very similar pattern of general gaming and/or financial activity this can be considered as a breach of this agreement and may result in immediate account closure due to fraud or deduction of the generated commissions.
  15. The Affiliate Partner shall run the advertising campaigns only on the sources entered inside the Affiliate Platform registry which were accepted by the Affiliate Program managers. Customers from unregistered sources will not count under the commission plan agreed.
  16. Email and sms marketing is allowed if the Affiliate Partner obtained Bison.Partners prior permission. Each and every message sent should be validated by one of the official representatives of the Bison.Partners Affiliate Program. If such permission is granted the Affiliate Partner must ensure that it has each and every recipient’s explicit consent. The Affiliate Partner must present clearly to the recipient that such marketing communications are sent from the Affiliate Partner.
  17. The Affiliate Partner shall not register domain names, as well as search terms or other identifiers for use in any search engine, portal, app store, sponsored advertising service or other referral service which are confuseably identical to any of the Bison.Partners and its clients look or trademarks.
  18. The Affiliate Partner shall not use any custom marketing creatives incorporating the intellectual property rights of Bison.Partners and its clients, without the written permission received officially from the Affiliate Program.
  19. The Affiliate Partner shall not offer any cashbacks, personal rewards or similar incentives, other than the offers available for marketing from Bison.Partners.
  20. The Affiliate Partner shall not target persons who are under 18 or the legal gambling age in their jurisdiction. Shall not target any territory or jurisdictions where gambling is illegal and shall not perform any act which is illegal in relation to the affiliate program or otherwise.
  21. The Affiliate Partner shall be liable for all risks, costs and expenses incurred in relation to the advertising activities.
  22. The Affiliate Partner agrees to immediately return all commissions received based on customers referred who are in breach of the affiliate agreement or relating to fraudulent activity.
  23. Nothing in this Agreement will create any joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship in between Parties.
  24. Bison.Partners will monitor the publishing sources to ensure that the Affiliate Partner is complying with the terms of this agreement and can request modifications or corrections at any time, and the Affiliate Partner should submit to eventual instructions. In cases where the Affiliate Partner fails to publish up-to-date content or information and fails to apply requested changes or updates within 21 calendar days, Bison.Partners reserves the right to temporarily suspend the calculation of any commission types and to withhold any pending commissions temporarily.


  1. By this Agreement, we grant you the non-exclusive, non-assignable, right to redirect potential new players to our site in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Bison.Partners does not grant you an exclusive right or privilege to assist us in the provision of services arising from your referrals, and we intend to contract with and obtain the assistance of others at any time to perform services of the same or similar nature as yours. The Affiliate Partner shall have no claim to commission or other compensation on business secured by or through persons or entities other than its business.
  2. During the term of this agreement, the Affiliate Partner may be entrusted with confidential information relating to the Affiliate Program and its clients business, operations, or underlying technology and/or the Affiliate Platform. The Affiliate Partner agrees to avoid disclosure or unauthorised use of any such confidential information to third persons or outside parties.
  3. The Affiliate Partner shall at all times comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, EGBA standards; with the responsible gaming and betting policy and with the Code for Responsible Advertising for online gambling; and social responsibility codes, and any other related legislation.
  4. Bison.Partners shall supply the Affiliate Partner with marketing pages, graphic materials, text reviews and any other material used as marketing tools.
  5. Bison.Partners will make all the technical efforts to ensure that whenever a new player is redirected through the creatives used, this player will be identified as originating from the Affiliate Partner, however, Bison.Partners shall not be held liable if it is unable to do so due to unforeseen circumstances.
  6. In the case the Affiliate Partner application is accepted, the Affiliate Platform will assign a unique ID to the affiliate account and other unique ID’s for the websites and site profiles registered in the system. These identification numbers will be present in all of the tracking links helping to identify and connect the players to the Affiliate Partner account. It is very important to never modify these tracking numbers manually, do always generate them in the system. We do not recommend using any link shortener service or methods, as we cannot guarantee the tracking through them.
  7. In case of any technical, statistical, recording disputes, an audit process will be started and the decision of the Affiliate Program representative will be accepted as final.


  1. The following commission types will be offered for the Affiliate Partners: Revenue Share commission from the Net Revenue produced, Cost of Action commission also called as CPA, Cost of Lead commission also called as CPL, One time commission, Sub-Affiliate commission and Hybrid commission plan.
  2. Sharing the agreed commission type details, the financial contract terms with a third party is prohibited.
  3. In case of the signed financial agreements and additionally signed contracts between the Parties, these terms and conditions will represent the base points of the agreements and such documents will be considered as Annex to this agreement.
  4. The public standard commission reward plan is offered for lifetime, until the termination of the agreement. Special deals are offered for a mutually agreed period of time, after which the reward plans can be modified by Bison.Partners.
  5. Net Revenue calculation is based on the following formula: Gross Revenue - All Credited Bonuses - Administration Fee.
  6. If the Affiliate Partner is a natural person who enters into business with Bison.Partners, the Affiliate Partner will be liable for payment of any taxes or duties arising in connection with the commissions received.
  7. The Affiliate Partner shall be entitled to receive the commission exclusively for real-money customers referred by the registered publishing sources in the system or for the advertising performance results produced.
  8. The players referred by the Affiliate Partner will be connected to the referring Affiliate Partners’ account for lifetime.
  9. The earned commissions will be paid based on the information submitted by the Affiliate Partner in the Affiliate Platform. The Affiliate Partner is solely responsible for the validity of the payment details submitted.
  10. Bison.Partners accepts the following payment methods for commission payments: SEPA Bank Transfers.
  11. The earned commissions will be automatically paid until the 20th of the month.
  12. The minimum payable commission threshold is set to €500.
  13. All commission payments will be made in EURO based on the exchange rate applied by the chosen financial institution of Bison.Partners.
  14. Bison.Partners may delay payment of any commission type balance to the Affiliate Partner for up to ninety (90) days, while it investigates and verifies that the relevant transactions comply with the provisions of the agreement or in the case of temporary insolvency.
  15. In the event when Bison.Partners cannot process the payment for more than 3 months as a result of unsigned financial agreement, invalid payment details, missing payment details, and the Affiliate Partner has not responded to all reasonable contact attempts, the earned commission can be withheld and cancelled.


  1. The Parties warrants to the other that it has and will retain, throughout the term, all rights, title and authority to accept the terms of this agreement.
  2. The Parties must provide information on responsible gambling.
  3. The Affiliate Program makes no promise that the operation of its and/or its clients’ website will be uninterrupted, or it will function without errors.
  4. The Affiliate Program will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions, errors, late payments, negligence.
  5. The Affiliate Partner shall indemnify on demand and hold harmless the Affiliate Program, its clients’, associates, officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders and partners from and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs, expenses.


  1. Non-Waiver. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. No modifications, additions, deletions or interlineations of the agreement are permitted or will be recognised by Bison.Partners. None of our employees or agents has any authority to make or to agree to any alterations or modifications to the agreement or its terms.
  2. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure arises from a cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to labour disputes, strikes, industrial disturbances, acts of God, acts of terrorism, floods, lightning, utility or communications failures, earthquakes or other casualty. If such an event occurs, the non-performing Party is excused from whatever performance is prevented by the event to the extent prevented provided that if the force majeure event subsists for a period exceeding forty-two (42) days then either Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by sending a written notice.
  3. Assignability. You may not assign this agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without Bison.Partners written consent. Subject to that restriction, the agreement will be binding on, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable against the Affiliate Partner and Bison.Partners and our respective successors and assigns.
  4. Severability. Each provision of the agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law but, if any provision is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such provision will be ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity, or unenforceability, without invalidating it. No waiver will be implied from conduct or failure to enforce any rights and must be in writing to be effective.
  5. Governing Law: Parties submits to the arbitrator assigned by the Curacao Dispute Resolution Centre, Curacao, over any claim, dispute or matter under or in connection with the agreement and/or its enforceability.


  1. This agreement comes into force and effect when the Affiliate Partners’ application is approved by Bison.Partners and will continue to be effective until either Party notifies the other in writing about termination.
  2. The termination request will come into effect from the day when the notification has been received.
  3. The Affiliate Partner must remove all contents from all the publishing sources related to Bison.Partners or its clients, shall not continue to use any of the tracking links or promotional materials.
  4. All rights and licences given to Affiliate Partner in this agreement shall immediately terminate. Bison.Partners may withhold your final payment for a reasonable time to ensure that the correct amount is paid and that the Affiliate Partner fulfils all its obligations in regards to the termination.
  5. The customers previously referred by the Affiliate Partner, after the termination of this agreement, might decide to continue to use the services of Bison.Partners’ advertised brands; this will not constitute a continuation or renewal of this agreement or a waiver of termination.
  6. Bison.Partners may terminate this agreement at any time if the Affiliate Partner does not comply with the terms of this agreement at any time.
  7. Bison.Partners may terminate this agreement at any time if the Affiliate Partner does not comply with the terms of the financial agreement signed.
  8. Bison.Partners may terminate this agreement at any time if the Affiliate Partner or its business partners, relatives attempts to artificially increase the activity or the commission or any statistical metrics. Violation of this provision shall be deemed to be a fraud and will result in immediate cancellation of the Affiliate Partner account and confiscation of all commissions earned.
  9. Bison.Partners may terminate this agreement at any time if the Affiliate Partner cannot be reached via email or internal communication channels for more than 120 days and/or the Affiliate Partner fails to log in to the Affiliate Platform.

Bison.Partners may terminate this agreement and may withhold any commission if invalid information or promotions are shown by the Affiliate Partner and these informations are not updated within 21 calendar days after receiving Bison.Partners’ notification.